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1-time bug... DCU would not exit


Just FYI....

DCU showing in tray, but no updates needed (this seems odd, don't recall this happening before).
Clicked big Exit button, nothing happened. Clicked exit in tray right-click, no change.
Killed from Task Manager, restarted, exited ok.

Seems like it would help troubleshooting if the operations log included a time stamp.

are you using the latest dcupdater?

are you using the latest dcupdater?
-mouser (January 28, 2010, 05:46 PM)
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It says so.. 1.26.01

Last question -- did the system go into hibernation before the last check?

I never hibernate but had been away for 5 days with the system running. It's possible that DCU tray icon came on some days ago.


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