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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Wanted: SysAdmin-focused Account Information Keeper

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I do understand what you're saying, but for sysadmin related stuff I'm only looking to prevent a random user getting a-hold of all our passwords, I've no expectation that the NSA would want to get into my Wiki. An optional password with something basic (AES, Twofish etc) would be plenty for me.


It also means decrypting to a file instead of decrypting to memory. Nasty.

Right now I'm using WikidPad and keeping the wiki itself encrypted on my drive. It's a nasty hack, and I'd really like native encryption within the application, but beggars can't be choosers...
-Ehtyar (October 13, 2009, 02:42 PM)
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I can't believe f0dder hasn't chipped in here recommending you fSekrit

A single plain text file is perhaps a little too free-form I think.


A single plain text file is perhaps a little too free-form I think.

-Ehtyar (October 14, 2009, 05:20 PM)
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Why not gin up a quick & dirty MS Access app then? That way you could use any form layout you wanted. Encrypt the file using AxCrypt if the built-in isn't strong enough for what you want.

Grab high-entropy passwords from here:

or here:   - and paste them in as needed.

Being a long-time lurker, sorry.

I use KeyNote from Tranglos for this task. One can have multiple files, each with multiple tabs, and within this, tree nodes. While it is free-form, that to me is a benefit as I record not just passwords, but other sysadmin items such as configuration data and notes. The files can be encrypted, and it has good search capability.

The author of KeyNote has stopped development, but you can get his latest version (1.6.9) at

Further development has been taken up at where it is now called KeyNote NF. The latest version is



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