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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

-Recklessly- remove hardware (from USB)

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another "usb ejector" - USB Disk Ejector. this freeware also supports command-line parameters, can easily be run from Farr.

Even with "optimize for quick removal", I'd still use "safely remove" to be 100% on the safe side. That will ensure all data is flushed and the filesystem is clean, and will notify you if there's programs still trying to access the device.

Do non-storage devices even show up on safely remove?

Do non-storage devices even show up on safely remove? -f0dder (September 27, 2009, 11:57 AM)
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Yes. All things USB show up. That's really why I'm asking - with my external drives, I'm happy to wait; with my printer or headset, it's so tedious...

Hm, I don't think neither my printer nor my scanner shows up on the list - I always just yank those out anyway :)

Hm, I don't think neither my printer nor my scanner shows up on the list - I always just yank those out anyway :)-f0dder (September 27, 2009, 12:16 PM)
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 :D OK, question answered. Thanks!


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