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Anyone else hosting a Windows 7 launch party?!
Surely he meant what we know as a projector. Even though I consider myself a projector expert the first thing that popped into my head was "BMW" as well.
Another one I like is that "torch" and "flashlight" sometimes have the same meaning.
Title says it all (or most of it, anyway) - I applied to host a Win7 launch party and was "selected". WTF?! Now what do I do?! Anyone else in the same boat? I figure that there must be at least a couple of other hosts out there in Cody-land and I'd like to hear from you.
-Darwin (September 25, 2009, 09:52 AM)
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Well b4 anyone laughs,I applied, as my girlfriend is running the RC, much better than vista.
I was accepted too.
Hwhat am I doing? A virtual party of course!
my usuall web is
party web is
Its not finished yet, if anyone has any ideas for what else I could do with it let me know.
johnh10000: the site you linked to has a low WOT reputation.
Furthermore, the "virtual party" linked in the site has absolutely nothing to do with windows 7.
What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
johnh10000: the site you linked to has a low WOT reputation.
Furthermore, the "virtual party" linked in the site has absolutely nothing to do with windows 7.
What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
-jgpaiva (September 26, 2009, 04:40 PM)
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What is a WOT reputation? Ok what am I tring to achive? As MS or was it Houseparty, said there may be media intrest, so I had to do something. I run Ubuntu servers, as have a helath dislike for MS.
I only linked there as it was the first virtual party site I found. I'm thinking about a virtual bar, as we have achatroom, etc.
any ideas?
Wot means web of trust.
However, I can see how the sites get a bad reputation. They have a dynamic DNS, thus if any of the sites hosted under that specific dns get a bad rating, all of the sites get a bad reputation.
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