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Freeware Website Creator For Dummies?
I guess my last suggestion would be try a few on your local machine, then see what you have to do to modify it. Unless you are doing some server side scripting, you should be able to load the whole "site" out of a folder on your hd to see how it looks in various browsers.
Another reason I recommend staying with html/css for simple sites is many, including myself, run with JavaScript blocked unless okayed for the current page. If you rely on scripting just to do simple stuff anyone running a blocker is likely to just move off.
I know you were looking for free(and this costs $49), but this certainly qualifies "for dummies" since it's simple enough for me to build websites with.
It's simple drag and drop so it will save you a bunch of time, and produces really nice websites.
I used Kompozer to create my website I was starting from a KB of zero so I asked questions here & elsewhere. My faith in the human race was greatly bolstered by the generousity of everyone who offered assistance.
I did use a template created by Andreas Viklund. He has several which he offers for free use. I chose to use a template as I'm the sort of guy who paints all of his rooms white as choosing any other colour is too stressful!
I liked Kompozer because it was free, WYSIWIG, & most importantly created "plain" HTML code rather than something proprietory like Adobe CS which can then only be opened in Adobe CS. This meant that if I got stuck on something I could send a file to someone & know that they would be able to open it.
I used Kompozer to create my website (September 21, 2009, 09:34 PM)
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Wow. I'm impressed. Your site is clean and easy on the eyes. Fantastic! What I am aiming for is far less complex, so I feel confident that I can achieve my goal using Kompozer. Thanks a lot! (And thanks to all of you! Your help is very much appreciated!)
If you're serious about it being a single page, take a look at WebDwarf from Virtual Mechanics. It's a drag and drop page creator that works surprisingly well. Very simple to learn.
If you need it any easier than this, you'll probably have to ask someone to do it for you. ;D
Caveat: WebDwarf is designed for the creation of single page web projects. If you want to do a multipage website, you'll need to find something else.
-40hz (September 18, 2009, 01:57 PM)
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I used to own WebDwarf before it went freeware. Worked nicely enough. Uncheck the box marked "Notify me.." and you go to the download page
Eventually I upgraded to SiteSpinner Pro for simple sites for friends; more complicated work requires DW 8, which I like in spite of occasionally having to tweak the generated code for W3C compliance.
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