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Do you touch-type or hunt-and-peck?

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My train ride to work every day is an hour there and an hour back. And there is nothing more irritating than listening to some fool two finger typing the whole journey.

Clicketyclicketyclickety CLACK!     Clickety CLACK!  Clicketyclickety CLACK!

Well, almost nothing ;)

Agreed.  The only thing worse than that is someone furiously pounding away on a keyboard with all 10 digits!  :P

Teachers never teached me to type either.

I did speed-test few minutes ago and noticed that my wpm is 69  8)
I don`t know if its any good but 69 it is.
Also, I had 4 misspellings in my test...although it was made in english and Im from Finland but I think I did quite good.

But I use my very own style-to-type; I just use 2 fingers and write very fast with them, it`s easy, ecause I actually know where every letter/number is.

P.S You can do the test here: Words per minute-test

I learned touch typing on my own and IMO it is a definite must have skill. I can type about 25 wpm (as long as there are no numbers) in the thoughts I am putting down. I still have to look when I want to use numbers in the top row.

Since I have never been taught formal typing, I can't speak to that - but I would think that it would be a benefit to any child in the current technological environment.

Thanks for asking!

There was a time when people didn't think being able to read was necessary. Now they think it isn't necessary to touch type??? This is what the mouse has brought us to!  A sad day for all and,  sadder yet, you don't even know it.


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