Software > Finished Programs
DONE: command line program to strip ID tags from WMA files
well heres an odd-sounding request for a snack. I need a console (commandline) program that basically removes all the ID tags from a set of WMA files. No frills needed, multiple file handling would be nice or the ability to specify DOS wildcards, e.g:
C:\>stripwma file1.wma file2.wma file3.wma
C:\>stripwma c:\myfolder\200512??.wma
which would strip all WMAs beginning with "200512" followed by any 2 chars. (standard DOS wildcard)
WHY on earth do you need this you might ask? :-\
Well I have written some scripts that download a radio program that I enjoy listening to each day off the net. I have scripted it to save the files (they are WMA files) to a folder so I can listen to the shows at a later time. The files are named with the current date so I know when each show was from. For example "200051230.wma" and "20051015.wma". The problem is that whoever is encoding the shows, always specifies the EXACT same "title" which is just the name of the show itself. Let's call it "Jim and Bob's Great Show" for example. So when I open these in Windows Media Player, my playlist is filled up with a bunch of "Jim and Bob's Great Show" and I have no idea which show is from which date. Even opening them in WinAMP the filenames are quickly replaced with the Title tags from the files so again I have no idea what's what.
So it would be great to be able to strip out the useless tags as part of my script. I searched and searched but while I found some things that worked on MP3 files, nothing seems to be able to do this for WMAs. I imagine that Microsoft must have this documented somewhere on MSDN and for a programmer I would hope this should be a simple "snack".
Any takers? that would be really helpful!! :)
Mp3tag is the most popular tag management freeware, give it a try.
yes kimmchii, I am aware of mp3tag, in fact I use it on my "normal" mp3s. however it has no commandline support, and I have already spoken to the developers and for whatever reason they are quite reluctant to add any commandline support to the program. so the search continues..... :huh:
I was wondering if you ever found the tool for this LuckMan? I need something like this!
I'm bumping up this old thread in case anyone is still interested in such a tool (this thread shows up on Google searches)
Since I wasn't able to find one I went ahead and wrote one based on taglib#:
It's a general purpose tag editor but it has a clear option as well (-e).
It can also be combined with another tool I wrote to achieve exactly what LuckMan212 was trying to do, automatically:
(use Tagger# as the post processor with arguments {in} -e to clear the metadata)
Enjoy 8)
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