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alternative to filehamster?

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I am wondering if anyone has any current thoughts on filehamster or alternatives for non-techy computer user.  I believe the feature that sets FH apart from other alternatives presented in this thread is dialogue prompt to enter a comment when saving a file version.   The network support through "teams plugin" is also nice as it allows a small group to lock and unlock changes as well as review other person's notes.  I do not think this is an enterprise solution, but it seems like it would work for a small group, or even a family on a home network. 

It seems like File Hamster has been updated recently.  There is an overview of the new features here on youtube from 3 years ago.

It does not look like their support forum exists anymore.  Support now links to facebook page with very little activity.

Ideally I am looking for ways to automatically track what was done with prompted user input.  I have often thought that this could be a part of a "tracking" application that intelligently logs a user's activity (files opened and reviewed, emails (subjects), browser's tab titles) in order to create a history to help a user reacquaint themselves with what was done on a task/project after leaving it for a period of time.  It would be great to be able to see a timeline view of files that were edited within a certain timeframe.  File Hamster has a reports feature, which would be helpful. 

File Hamster is more than a file sync and file backup utility. It provides a way to keep track of files, with contextual notes, and that is what I am looking for in the absence of a broader tool to help track/log projects and tasks automatically.

Anyone still using Filehamster? Any alternatives?

File Hamster 's notes feature

Just for the record:
seems like File Hamster has been updated recently.  There is an overview of the new features here on youtube from 3 years ago.
-sphere (October 06, 2021, 08:48 AM)
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Those videos are all of features that already existed years ago. I wrote elsewhere on dc that some minor bugs were fixed in 2019. Unfortunately without a link. I think they mainly made sure it ran on Windows 10 so as they could keep selling it. I couldn't find the forum.

Filehamster could be an option. It appears to be in development (again). Also requires active input, but iiuc is a lot simpler than full versioning system.
-tomos (September 07, 2020, 04:30 AM)
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Forget that:
after years of no updates, they fixed a couple of minor bugs end of last year, but no support in 2020, so I would avoid.
-tomos (September 07, 2020, 05:12 PM)
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Just for the record:
seems like File Hamster has been updated recently.  There is an overview of the new features here on youtube from 3 years ago.
-sphere (October 06, 2021, 08:48 AM)
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Those videos are all of features that already existed years ago. I wrote elsewhere on dc that some minor bugs were fixed in 2019. Unfortunately without a link. I think they mainly made sure it ran on Windows 10 so as they could keep selling it. I couldn't find the forum.

-tomos (October 06, 2021, 12:03 PM)
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Tomos, thanks for the clarification. That is unfortunate. From reading this thread and a few others, it seems like your use case is very similar to what I am looking for. At least it was. I believe I read that you are not using it except for some older projects.  Do you have it running and installed on a windows 10 machine? What are you using now?

Do you have it running and installed on a windows 10 machine? What are you using now?
-sphere (October 06, 2021, 12:18 PM)
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I'm no longer doing the work I used it for. No longer even work (professionally) at/with a computer. I do have one project though that I intend to finish next year, for which I could use it, or something like it, so might try install it at some stage again.

Do you have it running and installed on a windows 10 machine? What are you using now?
-sphere (October 06, 2021, 12:18 PM)
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I'm no longer doing the work I used it for. No longer even work (professionally) at/with a computer. I do have one project though that I intend to finish next year, for which I could use it, or something like it, so might try install it at some stage again.
-tomos (October 06, 2021, 02:18 PM)
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Tomos,  I totally understand. I just have a hard time believing that the comment prompt is not more common.
Thanks you


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