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DONE: Right Click any file and create New Folder by its Name

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Hi, Paul, and welcome to the DonationCoder site.   :Thmbsup:

Hey thanks for the awesome program. I use it everyday.-hairypaulsack (July 31, 2015, 04:22 AM)
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You're welcome; I'm glad you find it useful.

1. I manually entered a string value with a location to my Files2Folder.exe to use it's icon. Looks more nice in the context menu. Maybe ask users upon installation?-hairypaulsack (July 31, 2015, 04:22 AM)
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I'll consider this.  Which hive/key/value did you add?

2. Doesn't work with items on my desktop.
May this have something to do with them being shortcuts?-hairypaulsack (July 31, 2015, 04:22 AM)
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Correct, the program doesn't work with .LNK or .URL files.  However, for me at least, regular items seem to work fine on my desktop.  Keep in mind that I have UAC disabled on my computer.

3. Finally I'm having issues in protected areas. I can't use the program in say Program Files. I assume this is due to UAC-hairypaulsack (July 31, 2015, 04:22 AM)
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It's almost certainly due to UAC.  I know it's not much help, but the app works fine for me in Program Files.  Again, though, I have UAC disabled.  Please keep in mind that F2F was originally developed in 2009 on XP and, due to the massive shell code changes after XP, I'm surprised it works at all under Windows Vista/7/8/10.


Is it possible to use regexp to fill the folder name field? To reuse xd1986k's eg.,
[Chemistry] Workbook 01.rar
[Chemistry] Workbook 02.rar
[Chemistry] Workbook 03.rar

I could search for "^(.*) \d+" and name the folder as "$1". Obviously, it would require 2 boxes - first to search with regexp and the second for the folder name and if the pattern could be saved for future reuse, it will be a bonus. Hope you consider it. Thanks.

I am running XP Pro SP3.  I downloaded and installed file 2 folder.  "Files 2 Folder" shows up in my context menu so it looks like the install went smoothly but when I click on it nothing happens.   :(

Tried several times both over a network and locally. 
I tried a single file and multiple files.  Even with multiple files nothing happens.  The dialog box does not come up.

I closed down Windows Explorer and reopened it.

Still nothing.

I am logged in with my account that has administrator rights.

Anyone know what might be the issue?  I am quite puzzled.

Hi, Paul!!!, and welcome to the DonationCoder site.   :)

I am running XP Pro SP3.  I downloaded and installed file 2 folder.  "Files 2 Folder" shows up in my context menu so it looks like the install went smoothly but when I click on it nothing happens.-Paul!!! (October 19, 2015, 09:59 AM)
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Did you unpack the contents of the zip file to its own folder before running Files2Folder.exe?  Or did you click and run it from within the zip file?

I ran it from with the zip file.   Would that make a difference?   I figured because it shows up in the context menu that the install part was ok.


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