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idea - a simple prog to protect files/folder from deletion

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Is there anyone out there who has this software and can either post it, or send it in an email?  I want this one... Please....  The link no longer works...  Thanks...

Maybe I am missing something, but can't this be accomplished by just editing the permissions to prevent deletion?

Maybe I am missing something, but can't this be accomplished by just editing the permissions to prevent deletion?
-steeladept (April 23, 2009, 03:41 AM)
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Beat me to it :) - simply set NTFS permissions and you're good to go. Notice that you'll have to find the "advanced permissions" to see the Delete token.

Forget it if the author doesn't want to fix the link then he is not interested in donating his piece of cake

Maybe I am missing something, but can't this be accomplished by just editing the permissions to prevent deletion?
-steeladept (April 23, 2009, 03:41 AM)
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Beat me to it :) - simply set NTFS permissions and you're good to go. Notice that you'll have to find the "advanced permissions" to see the Delete token.
-f0dder (April 23, 2009, 04:56 AM)
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That doesn't stop it if you're running as the person who set the delete bit, does it?  I mean, manually deleting, sure... but if some errant program deletes it, it could also unset the bit, right?


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