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I don't know if you are using McAfee site advisor, but I will give you a notice on how this service rate your site; (All red since graph can't be posted)
Online affiliations for vuesoftsite.com:
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Linked to red sites
When we tested this site we found links to softwarelode.com, which we found to be a distributor of downloads some people consider adware, spyware or other potentially unwanted programs.
Even if your downloads was tested to be clean, I think many will be put off because of all the red links.
I can understand your frustration,because I assume this is sites that just host your files, but at the same time I value McAfee because if we deny sites that aren't clean to host our files, we take away their creditability, and they have the choice to become straight or just be rouge sites.
I am aware of this. The links in question were removed months ago, along with almost every other external link (just in case). I've request McAfee retest my site, and they claim it has been added to their queue. However, that was a month ago, and nothing has happened yet. I've informed McAfee that they're driving away my potential customers, but the canned response I received basically said "so what?". Unless you're a Fortune 500 company with a team of lawyers, or can afford to put McAfee's "Secure" badge on your website, you're pretty much at the mercy of McAfee.
The last time they tested my site was at the beginning of February. Who knows how long it will take for them to retest again? In my opinion, SiteAdvisor is more about making money for McAfee than it is about actually protecting people from malicious websites. For example, someone that has a "green" site could add a virus-laden file for download. It might be months before SiteAdvisor catches up to the content of the site. In the meantime, everyone using SiteAdvisor sees the site is green and thinks it's safe. And in my case, there were a few links to other websites that may or may not have had dangerous content (not my own!). Those links were removed months ago, but my site is still flagged red even though there's nothing dangerous on my site, and the only dangerous thing that was there previously were LINKS to other sites.
In any case, I've done everything I can to fix this, but it's up to McAfee to retest my site, and they're in no hurry to do so.
FWIW, I decided not to use SiteAdvisor quite a while ago for exactly this reason--the time lag in making needed changes was/is so long that it renders the judgments all but useless. :down:
Agree....that is not a good policy at all....it should almost be a higher priority to remove red links then to put up new ones, because if one show action to improve, then that is of greater value, over all, then to find new, because new sites are grey and, we can use common sense, when visit.
If words go around that they are slow to adjust, then they hit themselves in the back, because people can't trust them anymore.....doubt is always a way to be defeated.
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