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DONE: Tag2Folder-New Feature added 1.0.3 'Close Tag2Folders after Conversion'

<< < (7/17) > >>

Sorry for the delayed reply.  Here is a screeshot of the app, plus a couple of others...

Gah...120 DPI issues will be the bane of my existence.  I'll endeavour to fix these soon.  Thanks.

Website | Download
v1.0.5 - 2010-03-06
    ! Fixed some 120 DPI graphical issues.  (Thanks, TT1)

BTW, TT1, did Tags 2 Folders work okay for you?

All the above 120 DPI glitches are now fixed.  Thanks, TT1...I'm sure you'll find others.  =]

"BTW, TT1, did Tags 2 Folders work okay for you?"

Before I do this I'm still going through and tagging my files.  I have several that have no tags, just "author - title.mp3".  Do you know of an easy way to write the author and title to the v1 and v2 tags from the filename?

The 120dpi fixes look good, but I need my reading glasses to see the tiny text...  ;>)


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