Software > Drag&Drop Robot
Thread errors under Win98SE
I downloaded Drag & Drop Robot because I wanted a way to easily batch process Par2 files. In fact, that's how I stumbled across it, by searching for a way to process multiple Par2 files (I don't visit here that often and don't remember all the programs offered).
Anyway, it said it still supports Win9x, so I downloaded and installed it. I used the following command line;
C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\par2.exe v -q %a
If I have the shell window set to normal or minimized, it processes the first file and then just sits there. I have to close the DOS window manually, at which point, another immediately opens to process the second file, while D&DR pops up the message;
Thread Error: The specified path is invalid (161)
After that, it doesn't proceed any farther.
If I set the window to Redirected, the output of the first file goes into the output window as expected, and when it finishes, D&DR reports;
Thread Error: the handle is invalid (6)
It processes the second file and then stops.
At that point, it won't do anything else, except print confirmation messages when you click the Interrupt button. You can't start the queue again. If I close and re-run the program it works again, but the exact same thing happens.
I'm using the official Par2 Command Line EXE.
Am I doing something wrong?
hmm.. i havent tried it under win98 in so long.. i wonder if there might be issues.. it would help if you tried with some other tools besides the par commandline so we could know if it was d+d robot in general or just with working with this commandline tool in particular.
you say:
while D&DR pops up the message: Thread Error: The specified path is invalid (161)
--- End quote ---
i wonder if that is a par2.exe error rather than a d+d robot error..
hmm.. i havent tried it under win98 in so long.. i wonder if there might be issues.. it would help if you tried with some other tools besides the par commandline so we could know if it was d+d robot in general or just with working with this commandline tool in particular.
you say:
while D&DR pops up the message: Thread Error: The specified path is invalid (161)
--- End quote ---
i wonder if that is a par2.exe error rather than a d+d robot error..-mouser (August 16, 2009, 02:56 PM)
--- End quote ---
Sorry, I should have thought to try other commands with it. The same thing happens no matter what command I use. For example, I tried configuring it to generate SFV files using Fsum.exe ( and got exactly the same results. Either "The specified path is invalid" if it opens a normal shell window, or "The handle is invalid" if the output is redirected. Either way, it stops after the second file and refuses to do anything else until you close and re-open the program.
Any progress on this yet?
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