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IDEA: Wordlist Maker for teachers and students and ppl learning English

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Brilliant idea. I will let a local ESL organization know about this.

This is a terrific time-saver for all kinds of teachers. I teach Adult Literacy and ESL in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and intend to share this news with other instructors. Thanks!

Paul Keith:
I'm also confused. Can anyone re-explain?

I get this part:

You basically copy and article of the web or from a document on a topic you may be covering.

Then I get lost:

My program splits up the words, gets rid of duplicates, and puts the word in alphabetical order.

Why would you split up the words and get rid of duplicates? Is it's purpose to be a dictionary program that eats text rather than to have words inserted manually?

I'm a lowly maths teacher, so take my ideas with a grain of salt, but...
If I wanted my ESL students to read and COMPREHEND a text, I would sort out some vocab problems first. It would make the actual task much simpler if a lot of the vocab discussion/explanation happened up front so interruptions to the narrative were lessened.
 In my maths classes as well, I like to have the vocab sorted out early, so it doesn't get in the way of explaining the maths concepts.
 So, returning to word lists, it's useful to make them from a text and use them in different ways all centering on learning vocab.

Paul Keith:
I see. Thanks for clarifying this tsaint.

I've never thought of that before. I guess I always saw these things more as stuff to put on the back. Glossary and all that.


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