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Firefox 3.5 - A Few Problems Recently...

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Aha! Found it! Your last post made me go through all my extensions and GM userscripts again, just in case I was forgetting something. I was - a userscript I had installed very recently; maybe a week or so ago. I had forgotten all about it.

It's called "Anti-Disabler" and I installed it after once again trying to highlight and copy some text - I think from Snopes Urban Legend site. I searched for a hack to get around the script Snopes uses to block the ability to highlight text on their web site for whatever reason. The userscript works great for its intended purpose, but apparently can cause a few unforeseen glitches.

I disabled it and Voila! All seems well again. Well, at least on that J-B Pets page I mentioned.

Thanks for the "poke", Ehtyar!


There is a preference in FF for that which I've used for a very long time. I'll poke around and see if i can find it for you.


It appears I may have been mistaken. After going through my entire about:config (ugh) and asking in #firefox@freenode, I couldn't find a preference that prevents overriding the text selection functionality. Sorry J-Mac.

There is a preference in FF for that which I've used for a very long time. I'll poke around and see if i can find it for you.

-Ehtyar (August 12, 2009, 01:01 AM)
--- End quote ---

It is in the javascript options on the Content page in Options, if it is the one I'm thinking about. That does have selections that allow you to permit or deny web authors to resize windows, strip the status and/or title bar and menus, and to disallow the right-click context menu. However I tried all and none covered the Snopes script which disallows highlighting of text.

If your setting is a different one, please do tell!



Ya sorry, as I said in my edited post above (which I did before checking for new posts, st00pid) I was apparently thinking of a non-existent preference. It strikes me though that I've never had this problem (though I do use NoScript). Can you shoot me an example URL?


visit and disable noscript and you can't select text. Enable it and you can.


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