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IDEA: Rename Pad

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Tired of pressing F2 or right clicking and selecting rename on a multitude of files and folders, i propose a context menu button or something similar which opens a very basic notepad style window with all the current folder paths contents, and just like in notepad you can go line to line, find and replace, etc,.

So you can basically edit them all at once, hit save and you're done.

Anyone know if this is possible?  I think it would make life easier =] for some of us who cant learn regex and regular expressions and o-o all those crazy other tools and this way you get the efficiency but its idiot proof.  Looking for something very simple at the moment/

Although, if anyone feels up to it a more advanced version could include check boxes to exclude lines (files/folder), possibly a preview panel for pictures that updates each time you switch lines.

Anyways if any of you all know something similar in existence or know how to create something like this let me know.

You can use a file renamer.

I was just thinking more like a simplistic way to dump a directory into notepad, edit the names and have it change them in the file system. I was hoping for more of a word document feeling then a screen full of switches/boxes etc,.

I guess i can try it though, might be different then some of the other ones i have tried lately.

I was thinking of avoiding those types of renaming tools with all those checkboxes and regex expressions etc,.

but thanks anyways =]

Take a look at FreeCommander 2009.02

It's free and has a rename function.  When you press F2 you get a dialog with some simple patterns or you can just change the basenames of a bunch of files at once.

I use Bulk Rename also, but for simple renaming jobs, the one if FreeCommander is handy.

something similar which opens a very basic notepad style window with all the current folder paths contents, and just like in notepad you can go line to line, find and replace, etc,.
-SexyLilDarkPaw (August 04, 2009, 12:47 PM)
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This really good idea was implemented in 2 software:

1st is freeware Chgname.
by [email protected] in 1998, via Delphi 4.0.
the wesbiste is not visitable now(
but you can download via:

2nd is the famous Total Commander.
select what you want to rename,
you get a very powerful multi-rename tool.
also, you can click the button for external text editor (for me, it's Vim).


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