Dear Mouser e.
It's a bit like the universal command line utility (ie. D&DR); can you create a header (form) and body section for eml and abc(m) files? It's for (for example) iDev's cmdMailer2.exe and abc2pdf.bat. Double \r\n\r\n characters must be converted to a single \r\n (CR LF pair) in abc text files, because everything below an empty line will be ignored (unless in case of a new 'X:n' section).
I've seen how easy it was to localize the entry boxes, and in case of cmdMailer this eml file would then be the %F1 in '
CMDMAILER2 /HOST:hostname /EMLFILE:%F1 [/PORT:portnr] [/USER:username] [/PWD:password] [/SAVEMSG]'
The headerlist for abc files may be found here: from
http://abcplus.sourceforge.netIf you're appealed by this, then I hope it generates some extra good revenue!
iDev is located at, under Software-Other tools