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Saving Text

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Often time I find myself copying text to paste it into a file and saving it. It would be nice a hotkey to save directly into a folder after highlighting a text selection.

Function: windows key + spacebar invokes a gui that has allows you to name the file and  define to save in a certain directory

See SourceSnap at the bottom of my hotkeys page:

It has 2 save options.  One hotkey saves to a separate file using a File Save dialog, as you requested.  The second hotkey appends the selected text to the end of the "snapfile"(snippet file.)  I wrote it as an enhancement to a source code grabber posted on AutoIt3 forum, but it can be used to copy any plain text.

It also has options in the Tray Menu to set the hotkeys using combo boxes, change the name of the snippet or "snapfile" etc..

This is what I wanted, but the hot keys aren't that flexible.

This is what I wanted, but the hot keys aren't that flexible.
-Smobu (July 18, 2009, 08:10 PM)
--- End quote ---

Would you care to elaborate?

As in the hotkeys are limited to what is supplied in the drop down list. For example, one can't define a hotkey to use the windows key and spacebar.


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