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Google Chrome: Time for a Second Chance?

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The first chrome flavor I tried was Iron.  What put me off was that some of the extensions and other software for chrome didn't like the fact that things were in different folders.  But with everything set up in Sync chromium is using all my extensions.  The same may be so with Iron.  When I was doing Iron I wanted to try to use my own ftp for storage, so I didn't set up the google sync.  Chromium should be fine too as long as you don't use google search with the default string.

It is annoying when something I'm used to in FF is not available in chrome. CheckPlaces can fetch favicons without opening a zillion tabs as example.  otoh I have about 23 AddOns in FF and I can only do a couple more things than chrome with 7.  And one of the 7 is Foxmarks, just to sync to FF now and then.  Getting by with a 1/2 dozen extensions ain't bad. :)

-MilesAhead (October 13, 2010, 03:37 PM)
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Foxmarks became xmarks, and is available on Chrome.

Firefox extensions I miss most in Chrome:

FireGestures (The gestures extension in Chrome is pretty lame)
QuickDrag (I highlight any text and then drag 'n toss it to open a new search for the term in Google)
Ultra Recall
Surfulater (Though I am using this one less and less)
Ad Muncher
And last but not least: Tab Mix Plus

Chrome will be tough to take until they get moving with some of these. And no I won't blame extension authors for not porting their extensions to Chrome because Google doesn’t make it easy and in some cases they make it impossible to replicate these Firefox extensions.

Oops - almost forgot: one of the most exasperating missing features in Chrome........... NO PRINT PREVIEW!! What are they thinking with that??



It is annoying when something I'm used to in FF is not available in chrome. CheckPlaces can fetch favicons without opening a zillion tabs as example.  otoh I have about 23 AddOns in FF and I can only do a couple more things than chrome with 7.  And one of the 7 is Foxmarks, just to sync to FF now and then.  Getting by with a 1/2 dozen extensions ain't bad. :)

-MilesAhead (October 13, 2010, 03:37 PM)
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Foxmarks became xmarks, and is available on Chrome.
-wraith808 (October 13, 2010, 09:22 PM)
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I have it.  Should have said XMarks.  Slip of the memory.  But I use google sync. XMarks I just use to sync FF from chromium. It would be so much easier to import and export a bookmarks.html but none of these browsers handle the import correctly from an .html file.  You have to do way to much massaging to get rid of dupes, get the bookmarks toolbar into shape. I don't understand why that is.

Firefox extensions I miss most in Chrome:

-J-Mac (October 13, 2010, 09:35 PM)
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It would be nice if SyncPlaces and CheckPlaces worked with chrome.  But now that I'm using the built in sync for extensions and all the rest of it, the advantage of using my own ftp with that extension evaporates. Although I still don't understand why it would be so tough to let you log into your own ftp and sync. I suspect it's not all that difficult. Somebody must get a tenth of a cent every time one of us logs into the google server or something. :)


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