Software > Unfinished Requests
IDEA: Addressbook software (simple, yet powerful)
Hi, I want to address the need for a good addressbook software. Let me start off by saying that my idea is more of a coding "meal" than a "snack", but I couldn't find a better place to post. I think that my suggestion will be more on the scale of something like Screeshot Captor.
For years, I have looked for a simple, yet powerful addressbook software for those of us that use the computer a lot. Before I get into the features that I am looking for, let me describe what is out there already, and why there isn't something like I'm talking about. I'm Not talking about the addressbooks that come integrated as part of a larger suite of software such as PIM's, email programs, etc. I'm talking about a standalone software just for addresses and personal info and that's it, nothing more. So here are the features I'm looking for:
--Be able to insert email addresses (or other info...telephone #, street address, etc.) wherever the cursor is in whatever program. This is similar to one of those clipboard managers that can insert text to wherever the cursor, except in this case, it only applies to addresses. But the program should be called up and used in a similar manner
--The address details for each entry should be fully customizable as far as what fields go in. (first name, last name, street address, etc., as well as the ability for custom fields of course).
--Should be allowed to attach pictures to entries.
--There should be a live search-as-you-type filter to quickly select the address you want. And you should be able to search ALL fields, not just the name or something. This is almost identical to the program PowerMarks, which is a bookmark manager that does exactly what I'm saying here. In fact, it's so similar that I asked the author of that program to consider making this software, but I don't think he was interested.
--The program should be very lightweight, fast, and SIMPLE! I can't stress that enough. Nothing bulky.
--There should be a fairly complex way to share fields of information between different entries. For example, let's say you have an entry for a husband and a wife. They have different first names, but same last names, same address, different email addresses, different cell phone numbers. So there should be some way to link the common information together and keep the other information separate. And by "link" I really mean link, not just copy the same field.
I guess there are some other little features I have in mind, but that is the basic idea. I just want to see if anyone would be interested in this. Like I said, I have searched for years for something like this but I have found nothing. I am not a programmer or else I would love to take this on. I really think this can benefit a lot of people. I want to bring up the program PowerMarks again because I envision this software to be almost exactly like this program except it would be used for addresses instead of bookmarks. I look forward to hearing from anyone.
Hi superboyac
do you know about essentialPIM
This includes an calendar, an ToDo and an notice section too.
There is a freeware version and a low cost pro version.
Also there are stand alone versions without install for to carry on an USB stick.
Maybe this comes near your suggestions ?
You can also post missing features into there superb forum.
Have a look at my mini-review of Abook over in the 'mini reviews by members' section - I think that can do everything you want...
Hi superboyac
do you know about essentialPIM
This includes an calendar, an ToDo and an notice section too.
There is a freeware version and a low cost pro version.
Also there are stand alone versions without install for to carry on an USB stick.
Maybe this comes near your suggestions ?
You can also post missing features into there superb forum.
-Stefan (December 23, 2005, 05:16 AM)
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Yes, I know about Essential PIM, and I even have a license for it. The addressbook portion of the software is good, it has the search-as-you-type feature that I love. But it's a bulky program, and it does so much more than an addressbook. It's too much. One of the important features about what I am suggesting is how it functions simlar to a clipboard manager, where with a few quick keystrokes, you can call up the program, find an address, and insert it at the cursor. Essential PIM is simply way overkill for what I am looking for.
Have a look at my mini-review of Abook over in the 'mini reviews by members' section - I think that can do everything you want...
-m_s (December 23, 2005, 03:06 PM)
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Yes, I've tried A-book. This program and Handy Addressbook are the two programs that come closest to what I am looking for, but even they are not even close to what I am suggesting.
What I don't like about A-book is that it is bulkier than it needs to be, at least for what I am saying. Also, it doesn't have a quicksearch feature that can immediately filter the list down as you type. I think you can start typing and it will jump to the name of the nearest match, but it doesn't filter all the fields. This is very important.
A-book is good in that you can add pictures to the entries. However, it lacks that other feature I was mentioning, which is a sophisticated to link fields together with people that share addresses or phone numbers but have other different data.
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