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Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts

VueMinder calendar at 50% discount - Bits du Jour

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An 'alternate DonationCoder reality' sounds fine to me!  :Thmbsup:

We'll extend the lifetime service deal through the end of July, but to DonationCoders only.  After purchasing a license, send an email to [email protected], referencing this thread.  We'll then send you the information required to convert your 1 year service contract into a lifetime service contract, which will allow you to receive free product updates forever, for no additional charge.

If you miss this deal, don't despair.  We're planning to have other occassional promotions in the future, which could involve discounted prices, longer (or lifetime) service contracts, and other incentives.  I'll post about these promotions when they become available.

Dan Chartrand


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