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News and Reviews > Best E-mail Client

The Bat - how to customize?

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absolutely there is - in fact the first thing i do with each new account is set that to 0!
it's in the account properties:

Ah!  Thanks, mouser, we think alike yet again. (I still can't believe that you like realplayer  ;) )

I can't understand why The Bat has partnered with Lycos?  They don't even offer IMAP!

absolutely there is - in fact the first thing i do with each new account is set that to 0!
it's in the account properties:

-mouser (January 23, 2006, 01:29 AM)
--- End quote ---
Mouser, I set the time to 0, but it kind of still doesn't work.  Let me explain.  I don't have message preview pane on, when I want to read a message, i double click on it and open it in a separate window.  When I do that, that first message immediately gets marked as read and filters to it's appropriate place (because I have filter set for "read messages".  But then, as I click through the next messages with the arrow, none of the other messages get marked as read.  In fact, they don't even follow the order I have in the listed folder.  Let me explain a little more, I think that may be the problem...

Like I said, all of my new mail comes into the inbox.  I have a virtual folder that includes all mail recieved today, from all mailboxes.  When I click on the first unread message in the virtual folder, it gets marked as unread, and when that happens it automatically gets filtered away as I explained.  But then, when I click....Oh!  I found the problem.  My list is sorted by created time, and the most recent time is on the bottom.  I do this so that I can read the messages in the order created as I go from top to bottom (like we read normally).  I just found out that if I click on "Follow Previous" it goes down the list, and "Follow Next" goes up the list, which seems contrary to what it should be.  Shouldn't Follow Next go down the list to the more recent email?  Can I change that setting so it makes more sense to me?

One more the Bat, there are a lot of settings and what not, but barely any of them are explained in the help dialog.  Is there a manual or some kind of comprehensive set of settings available anywhere?


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