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The Bat - how to customize?
OK, more questions...
1) What's the difference between the "sent mail" box and the Outbox?
2) I still can't seem to control the follow next/previous buttons...they seem to always work in the same direction no matter how the mailbox is sorted.
Hi, it's me again. I just bought the Bat with our discount here (thanks donationcoder!), and I have migrated all my years of email into it and am trying to figure everything out. I have a lot of questions that I am having a hard time getting answered, I was wondering if users here could help me figure it out.
I went to the Bat website and postd some questions, but no one answered. I also wen to their Support link and this weird form opens up with a Ticket ID, and I don't know what it's for. I also browsed through the help file that comes with the program, and I find that it barely explains any of the Bat's features and how to use them, given that there are so many features in the program. Am I missing something here? Is there some secret user manual to this program somewhere or what?
I also clicked on the "information request" link under help in the program, which sends an email to the Bat people, and in it I asked for a user manual or something, but I don't even know if that is what that link is for. Something is odd here, I feel like information is being kept from me for some reason...
I'm really not understanding how to just read messages in the order that I have sorted without using a preview pane (just a personal preference of mine, I like the separate window).
sent mail and outbox is very useful distinction:
inthebat after you write a message you can either send it immediately or be smarted and just QUEUE IT in the out box.
this can be useful as it gives you a little time to catch yourself before you make a stupid mistake.
then when yousay send and mail is sent it moves from outbox to sent.
see my previous message also about how i create new folders in my accounts for different purposes.
there is a newsgroup+online archive at ritlabs somewhere that you can search - that may be the best way to search for answers to questions.
i always use preview pane so im not sure about other modes of reading - make sure you check out the different ways to arrange the different panes in the window - it may be that once you find a good layout of panes youll like using preview window better.
Thanks mouser so much.
The outbox explanation makes sense now. I think I'll queue, that's how I always did it before.
I've already checked out the different pane arrangements, that's one of the first things I tried in the Bat. I used Pegasus before, and you have total control on how you want the desktop to look, you can put anything anywhere without any kind of restrictions. Personally, I don't like the whole default 3-pane preview thing that seems to be standard for email. In the Bat, I've settled on the "Full-Height Account Tree" arrangement so I can see all my accounts easily. I also have message preview turned off so the left side is just a long list of everything in that box, which I like. However, I still haven't figured out how to navigate up and down the list according to how I've sorted it. Like I said, the follow next/previous buttons don't go by the sorting method in the box, but strictly by the message date.
I don't like the preview pane because it shortens the list for the mailbox AND it shortens the window for the message. I like my message window to be about 60-80% of my screen so I do as little scrolling as possible. I know it's out of the norm, but that's my preference. My mailboxes are quite large also, so I want to see as many of my messages as possible, not just 10-20 of them.
I checked out Ritlab's online knowledge base, and it seemed like someone asked a question pretty similar to my list navigation issue, but he didn't get a clear response in my opinion. It was one of those, "Why in the world do you do it like that?" responses instead of saying it can't be done or here's how you do it. I think the answer is it can't be done.
i also like the full height left account list.
i then have a 1/3 height message list on top right, and preview window below.
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