Software > DesktopCoral
Command-line parameters?
it's a bit tricky.. may i suggest you see if you can't use a commandline tool (or rainmeter itself) to kill any running instanced of desktop coral, and solve it that way?
and let is know if it works.
Should be able to detect the resolution change and then place it per the users settings for the different resolution I would think...
Available Commandline Options/Parameters:
-floatpos X Y WIDTH HEIGHT
-monitorid #
-placement float|left|top|right|bottom
-dockwidth #
-dockheight #
-mouser (June 27, 2009, 04:39 PM)
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Would it be possibe for you to add a command line option to enable transparent mode?
seems like an easy enough feature to add. can you share with us what you would be planning on using the feature to do?
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