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hamNotes (A FARR2 Plugin by hamradio)

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hamNotes (Updated April 23rd, 2012)
hamNotes allows you to keep searchable text notes.
Activate the plugin to add and search the text notes and quickly view them.

Click for the hamNotes web page with more info!

Please extract it to a directory named hamNotes in the FARR2 Plugins
directory or if you already have it you may use DcUpdater to update it.

If you have any questions/comments/bugs let me know.

Before you report a bug please make note that this plugin requires FARR version 2.66.01 or greater to use correctly.
We recommend FARR version 2.68.01 or greater.

this is the plugin i've been waiting for.. quick simple notetaking with search.  :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:

Any ETA on a public version?  :tellme:

fantastic work, hamradio! :Thmbsup:

Public version soon after another release of farr2 as it will require it, also after I finish the website and readme for it. :)


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