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Need to d'load unavailable soft - but where is safe?

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I need to download an older software (Photoshop 5.5)
I have a lisence/key for it (even have it registered with Adobe)
but it's no longer 'available' and I somehow have managed to lose both original and copy CDs :-[


* I'm completely ignorant of this kind of thing
* I dont know who to trust
* dont know if download is a trial or not (downloads seem to vary between 50 and 70MB roughly which I presume is related to trial but dont even know which is larger)
The best I could find was
MacAfee says
In our tests, we found a small fraction of downloads on this site that some people consider adware or other potentially unwanted programs.-
--- End quote ---
which sounds safe enough, but I dont know if it's just a trial

then there's something like this
which is presumably much more dubious(?) but at least it says that it's a full version . .

Anyone got any tips?

Have you seen this looks pretty legit and you said file sizes vary from 50-70 mb and that one is 76.

Have you seen this looks pretty legit and you said file sizes vary from 50-70 mb and that one is 76.
-Loki15 (June 17, 2009, 06:21 AM)
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thanks Loki - I had actually seen that - it eventually leads to
A newer version of Adobe Photoshop is available.
Download the latest version | Learn more about Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended
--- End quote ---

Carol Haynes:
Have you tried calling Adobe? If you have a licensed copy they should be able to supply it as either a CD or a download.

If yours is a CD version, your CD key may not work with the downloadable trial version.

And the CD version is much larger than the ones you have found.

Disk 1 is about 400mb
Disk 2 is about 300mb


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