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MP3 Info Extension?

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I used to use a program called Mp3 Info Extension. I could install the program, then when I viewed a folder of MP#'s....I could see the bitrate in an icon on the left side.

Now that I have Vista 64, it no longer works for me.

Does anyone else know of a software that does the same type thing...the author of this one doe snot support it anymore.

Thanks alot.

I used to use that, it was one of my "must installs". Now I've been using dedicated tagging programs for so long I don't really remember all the things it did.

Lets see, I know it had a feature that you could mouse over an MP3 (or maybe many MP3s?) and it would display the tag information (artist, album, title, length, etc.). I'm pretty sure Vista does this by itself.

You could also highlight a bunch of songs, right click on them, and edit their tags.

What feature(s) do you use most? Maybe we can come up with some software that can do something similar.

Windows Explorer already has it built in. Just go to details view, right click one of the column headers and turn on the "bitrate" option. When you select the "More..." option, you can see that Explorer can display 38 diferent file parameters (not just Name, Type, Size and Date which are default). e.g. In addition to bitrate, you can display track number, year, artist, album title, genre, duration etc.

This is true for 32-bit XP Pro SP2 - not sure if this applies to Vista-64...

I remember this cool program. It's a shame it's abandonware. The neatest thing I thought it did, and no version of Explorer does this, was change the MP3's icon to show the bit-rate so you could have a window full of MP3s open and could tell at a glance which ones were the low bit-rate ones that needed replacing with better versions.

you could have a window full of MP3s open and could tell at a glance which ones were the low bit-rate ones that needed replacing with better versions.
-Innuendo (June 11, 2009, 09:20 AM)
--- End quote ---

Explorer may not change the icon, but you could sort (in Details view) by bitrate.  You could tell at a glance which were high and which were low.  If you "Show in Groups" it will be even more obvious.


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