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Total Commander: Tips, Tricks, and Tweaks
With a bunch of licensed copies flooding DC due to the kind generosity of Christian Ghisler I thought this might be a good time to start a thread where the grizzled Total Commander pros could post all their time-saving, optimizing tips and list out all the must-have plugins to install along-side TC.
I'm sure some of those contest winners have never used TC before and others are like me who have used it a long time, but have not fully tapped this app's power.
What say you, Total Commander experts? Can you throw us who are uninitiated in the eldritch wizardry of Total Commander a bone by wowing us with your prowess?
Excellent idea, innuendo :Thmbsup: I'm in your camp - that is, I own a licence but have barely scratched the surface of this great file manager.
Take a look into Help file :P
But seriously…
There are too many things to write about but I think anyone can agree that clean TC is nothing compared to TC + plugins.
There are almost 500 plugs available with support for hundreds of file formats (i.e. GAUP which unpacks resources from over 300 games) and someone can be lost with such amount of them but what makes it great is the way how information provided by them is used.
By default they are divided into 4 types:
[*]wcx - packer plugins for archives support;
[*]wdx - content plugins for custom columns and Multi Rename Tool;
[*]wfx - filesystem plugins for external devices;
[*]wlx - lister plugins for files preview (F3).
Such features are well known since years but there are more places when plugins can be used, so I will try to point few of them:
WCX (content)
They are mostly used for unpacking but few of them exist for handling non-archive formats support: like audio files conversion, images resizing, files encryption or directories listing.
WDX (content)
Average knowledge: Find files tool, Multi Rename tool and files colouring feature;
Hidden stuff: files tooltips, information File overwrite dialogue, Custom filters, thumbnails labels, File attributes dialogue;
WFX (content)
Their use cases vary: external devices support, system Registry editing, CD/DVD burning or… viewing Miranda IM messages. There are many more features available but each WFX plugin is completely different case to be wrote about. Trying to describe them all is just the waste of the time :)
WLX (content)
Average knowledge: files thumbnails;
Hidden stuff: thumbnails in Files overwrite dialogue;
Obviously: that's not all but I don't really think I should try to copy or I would rather leave the place for curious explorers.
BUT one thing I must say: even after few years of using TC, I still find something "new" sometimes.
WDX (content)
Average knowledge: Find files tool, Multi Rename tool and files colouring feature;
Hidden stuff: files tooltips, information File overwrite dialogue, Custom filters, thumbnails labels, File attributes dialogue;
-fenixproductions (June 08, 2009, 04:21 PM)
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One great example: the "anytag" plugin. Reads tag data from mp3 and other media files. You can create a custom column layout in TC with columns to display artist, track #, title, duration, etc. This of course lets you sort the file listing by these attributes.
The only missing piece here is that I don't think you can confiogure TC to automatically switch column layout based on the folder contents (or have pre-selected layouts for specific folders). You still need to click Show -> Custom column mode -> pick your mode (or assign a keyboard shortcut).
The only missing piece here is that I don't think you can confiogure TC to automatically switch column layout based on the folder contents (or have pre-selected layouts for specific folders). You still need to click Show -> Custom column mode -> pick your mode (or assign a keyboard shortcut).-tranglos (June 08, 2009, 05:07 PM)
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It can be done using AHK or TwinKey. Although second solution seems to be slow (at least for me).
BTW For columns view switch I assigned Ctrl+E to cm_SrcCustomViewMenu. It is quicker this way.
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