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Good TV series. What do you watch? I used to watch Lost to unwind need successor

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i remember when i was a kid watching old shows on a rerun, titles such as The Land of the Giants, The Man from UNCLE, The Lone Ranger and many others. i wonder why there are no remakes of them.

I used to watch Lost to unwind, need successor.
-urlwolf (June 05, 2009, 12:27 PM)
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Nothing wrong with what's been mentioned (except for Wraith808 who was so right but completely wrong - it's Buffy, then Angel, then Firefly ;))

But you've all missed the obvious one...


Breaking Bad is simply awesome, Bryan Cranston is incredible all the way trought every episode.
-gexecuter (June 05, 2009, 01:59 PM)
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I second that, this show is great.

I don't know if you're exclusively asking for recent show but here : "Six feet under" is the best show ever made, "Oz" is really awesome if you don't mind gruesome events every now and then... You should also have a look at "Spaced", a TV show from England with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost ("Shaun of the Dead"). I'm a big fan of "The office" too (UK and US).

More recent stuff : "30 rock" is nice, "The IT crowd" too...

Hmmmmm slipped my mind but on Comedy Central the best show has to be Reno 911 .. at least afa live action goes. I'm not sure if it will hold up since many of the cast have moved on.  So far this season it still seems pretty funny though.

First 3 seasons or so of Sopranos was great.  The story line kind of arced in a lame direction around then I think.  Christopher was supposed to become the conduit for Tony, while Tony kept in the shadows. For some reason they decided to have Tony beat and shoot everyone personally and made Christopher a drug addict.  Jumped the shark.

True Blood seems to have some humor.  Only thing I can't figure is why the top honcho vampire who is this gigantic dude, takes crap from the little skinny guy who is Anna Paquin's boyfriend.

For all time, Twilight Zone had some great shows.  I just saw them all way too many times.


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