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[SOLVED] Show Center of monitor screen
Here's an application I made a while back that looks like exactly what you need-GirkovArpa (May 05, 2021, 04:21 PM)
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Thanks for taking the time to share your app G!
The more options for fellow users the merrier!!!
Would you care to add Start hidden / minimized to systray / notification area, please?-Curt (May 01, 2021, 05:25 PM)
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Hi Curt! As I finish the minimized to systray modification, just wanted to check if you actually mean/want "Start with windows, minimized to systray". Cheers!
[...] just wanted to check if you actually mean/want "Start with windows, minimized to systray". Cheers!-publicdomain (May 09, 2021, 09:34 PM)
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Hey Curt, no worries; they are two separate settings now for you to choose :)
Move cursor + Click mark center are also coming for this version :Thmbsup:
ScreenMark v0.2.0 released:
Enjoy! :Thmbsup:
The crossover-lite is in some ways a fantastic application. :up:
But in every day life it is missing at least one important feature: Remember my favorite theme.
The default theme, with a feather, will never be the one that is needed for the job - and it's simply too disappointing to have to navigate for a usable theme, everytime I launche the program!
Any chance it will be updated? :tellme:
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