Software > FARR Plugins and Aliases
FARR Plugin: TimeZone [Update version 1.4.2]
Hi, can't get this to work. I get a dialogue box on first run that says"No records extracted. ... Please see Dayname_log.txt & adjust the ini file.
BUT, no such file exists. Tried typing "tz" then selecting timezone redownload. Just get recurring dialogue box. I have FF as my default browser.
Nice app; would love to get it working :-)
Hi, I can not get the Timezone Plugin to work. I have tried everything: I get a dialogue box on first run that says "No records extracted. ... Please see DayName_log.txt & adjust the ini file.
BUT, no such file exists. Tried typing "tz" then selecting timezone redownload. Just get recurring dialogue box.
Cool app, I love how fast it is; I would love to get it working!!! I even installed it on my Laptop, just to make sure that it wasn't my machine; I have the same problem. :-)
Same Error for me too on Win7:
"No records extracted. Please see DayName_log.txt"
I've tried forcing a data download on each launch, changing the .exe settings to always run as administrator but cannot resolve it.
Is there a way to download the data manually from
I had this working on my XP machine and am suffering serious withdrawal without it now in Win7 :-(
Cross-posted from Re: Intelligent Time Zone display (online or local)
This might be of use, so I shall mention it:
I recall that the FARR plugin TimeZone was very good :Thmbsup: but I uninstalled it as it stopped working for me (on Win XP), and I never went back to reinstall it after that. I think it worked OK with Win7 though. I might try it on Win10 now that I have recalled it.
See discussion: Re: FARR Plugin: TimeZone [Update version 1.4.2]
EDIT: 2017-08-12 2012hrs: Nope. Cannot get FARRTimeZone to work. It installs OK (from a .ZIP file), but the all-important Options settings page seems to be inoperable. The user has to stop the FARRTimeZone process before that page can even be accessed.
Maybe that might have been why I gave it up years ago; not sure.
Maybe it has been abandoned? The author (@Perry Mowbray) doesn't seem to have updated/fixed the proggie since v1.4.2 - 2010.12.08.
-IainB (August 12, 2017, 01:22 AM)
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