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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

whats that smell???

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So? She still inhales, doesn't she?
If it were truly chemicals or spores or whatever (ie, something truly harmful), then she would also be affected.
-Gothi[c] (May 14, 2009, 12:44 AM)
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I've inhaled unpleasant odors before, that were chemically safe to inhale, but the smell was so disgusting that it made me nauseated.

yeah, me too.

But I think he was looking at it differently

there are lots of smells that make me feel sick.... or give me headache

the video kind of hinted that what made people sick was that people inhaled a cleaning spray that wasn't meant to be inhaled.

if that was the case, then how comes the lady that cleaned the fridge was not affected by it?

the video kind of hinted that what made people sick was that people inhaled a cleaning spray that wasn't meant to be inhaled.
-mouser (May 14, 2009, 12:59 AM)
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True. Which makes this (and what Gothic said) a very good point:

if that was the case, then how comes the lady that cleaned the fridge was not affected by it?

-Dell[a] (May 14, 2009, 01:03 AM)
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However, even in the case of deodorant sprays, I've had some that were so disgusting smelling that, combined with whatever scent the spray is trying to cover up, it just makes it worse and I do feel sick. Though never to the point of vomiting.


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