Software > Find And Run Robot
Few questions
I have some things I would like to do w/ FARR and I don't know if it's possible, few of them are to turn FARR into a runner/launcher app and less a searching app.
1. Sometimes, I just want run something which the system recognizes w/o searching. like running explorer or some other application which dir is in the windows %path%.
2. I know there is an issue with network shares. but I would really like to just to type \\remote-pc\ and hit enter w/o searching recursively. Or, to be a little more greedy, and let FARR return then a search results only within the current level of the share, and then just continue to browsing like that until I reach my desired folder.
3. Could be aliases commands added to history as I use them a lot?
1. Sometimes, I just want run something which the system recognizes w/o searching. like running explorer or some other application which dir is in the windows %path%.
--- End quote ---
just type:
run yourfile.exe
farr will search the path and find and run it.
#3 is coming.
#2 let me think about.
Thanks mouser,
But why isn't it working using an alias?
"run" is an alias -- it simply tells farr to launch what you type after the "run" keyword.
i.e. the run alias is:
run $$1 | $$1 /ICON=icons\farr\core-sysutils_run.ico
OK, made that work as a workaround to just open network shared.
--- ---\\$$1 | explorer.exe "\\$$1"Many thanks.
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