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My great doomed CMS search continues...

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add another vote for MODx, i went through a similar process when choosing a cms for this website.

let me know if you need any assistance with it, i've been using it for 6 months or more now...

Another thumbs up for Drupal here. It is all I use for making my sites after I made the switch from Mambo/Joomla in 2003. I agree it has a learning curve, but there are plenty of books on Drupal now, so head down to your local library or bookstore for a copy if you need help. I also train people in using Drupal and I have managed to teach a complete layman on how to use Drupal in less than 3 days.

Here are some good Video tutorials on Drupal:

Jammo the OrganizedFellow:
I'm surprised my #1 CMS wasn't mentioned?!

ExpressionEngine does EVERYthing you ask for and more.
Extremely expandable
Highly rated community

The Core version is free (with limitations), while the Personal is $99 and the Commercial is $249.
I've used it for over 3 years, and am using the Commercial version for the first time for a client of mine.

There are TONS of incredible tutorials, How-To's, etc.

ExpressionEngine sounds interesting. I'll have to look into trying the free version.

I also wanted to say that I've been working with MODx for the past few days, and I'm really impressed. Especially when combined with some key extensions, it is extremely powerful, and it's actually enjoyable to use. I highly recommend it. :D


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