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DONE: Scan music collection for missing covers/artwork

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Thanks for the new features!-worstje (March 25, 2011, 12:52 AM)
--- End quote ---

You're welcome.  I still need to add your request of a percentage instead of a pixel count.   :-[

I don't know how easy that is in AHK, but I think it would be handy that if the entries are (ascending/descending) sorted by a certain column, that is indicated by an (up/down) arrow in the column header.

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to skwire for making this app.

My 100GB of MP3 collections (80% of with no tags, 100% with no cover art). 3 days continuous work later, it's all cleaned up, thanks to your handy app

You're welcome.  I'm glad you found it useful.   :)

Hi skwire,
Don't know if you're interested, but right click > copy selected paths to clipboard is not functioning on my computer. I have the latest version. I can right click and select the option, but then when I hit ctrl+v or paste, there's nothing in my clippy


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