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XP Reinstall - some thoughts - be prepared

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Hey, I just noticed that Acronis 2009 is available at Newegg - both CD and Download versions - for $13.99 USD after a $20 mail-in rebate. Maybe I'll upgrade now - most of the bugs have supposedly been ironed out - somewhat - kinda...

Though I don't usually place any trust at all in MIR's.  :-\


IMHO Acronis is the best out there for imaging XP. I've never once had a problem with a TrueImage generated backup image. I liked the older versions somewhat better than the current one. (Less feature bloat.) I'm still using version 9 without any issues.

I'll give it my vote.  And at $14 after rebate, I'd grab a copy if I didn't already have one. :Thmbsup:

Carol Haynes:
There was a known bug in one revision of Acronis that stopped images mounting.

You can still use normal file based restore to get stuff back and you can simply double click on the archive to explore and extract multiple files.

If you download and install the latest build it doesn't have that problem with new archives. To mount older archives they need to be rebuilt (use the option to consolidate a set of files to a new archive).

By the way I am using True Image Echo Workstation - not sure if the same bug applied to the Home edition.
-Carol Haynes (June 24, 2009, 01:15 PM)
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You're probably talking about Acronis TI 2009 - the latest upgrade. I'm still using Acronis TI 11 and I do have the last build they released of that version. When the 2009 version was released there were a lot of bugs and unhappy campers, so I stuck with this version since it works more often than not!

I'm still sore over the Acronis TI 10 debacle - that version was faulty from day 1 and never did get fixed; they ended up releasing V.11 instead of fixing 10 - at a price, of course!

-J-Mac (June 24, 2009, 01:24 PM)
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As I have said many times before I went away from the Home version because it seemed to be in a permanent beta phase - using home users as free testers of new versions.

The Corporate version (Echo Workstation) is much more solid and reliable and although it is a bit more expensive (though you can get a relatively inexpensive upgrade from the Home version) you can buy an annual maintenance which is just a few dollars and gives you priority support (literally within minutes of sending a message - impressive, and they are not snotty to corporate edition purchasers) and free updates to any versions released throughout the maintenance subscription. The subscription is also renewable annually.

There was a known bug in one revision of Acronis that stopped images mounting.

You can still use normal file based restore to get stuff back and you can simply double click on the archive to explore and extract multiple files.

If you download and install the latest build it doesn't have that problem with new archives. To mount older archives they need to be rebuilt (use the option to consolidate a set of files to a new archive).

By the way I am using True Image Echo Workstation - not sure if the same bug applied to the Home edition.
-Carol Haynes (June 24, 2009, 01:15 PM)
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You're probably talking about Acronis TI 2009 - the latest upgrade. I'm still using Acronis TI 11 and I do have the last build they released of that version. When the 2009 version was released there were a lot of bugs and unhappy campers, so I stuck with this version since it works more often than not!

I'm still sore over the Acronis TI 10 debacle - that version was faulty from day 1 and never did get fixed; they ended up releasing V.11 instead of fixing 10 - at a price, of course!

-J-Mac (June 24, 2009, 01:24 PM)
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As I have said many times before I went away from the Home version because it seemed to be in a permanent beta phase - using home users as free testers of new versions.

The Corporate version (Echo Workstation) is much more solid and reliable and although it is a bit more expensive (though you can get a relatively inexpensive upgrade from the Home version) you can buy an annual maintenance which is just a few dollars and gives you priority support (literally within minutes of sending a message - impressive, and they are not snotty to corporate edition purchasers) and free updates to any versions released throughout the maintenance subscription. The subscription is also renewable annually.
-Carol Haynes (June 24, 2009, 04:12 PM)
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I'll give it another look Carol. I did look into it after this was discussed here in another thread and I could not find an upgrade path that was that inexpensive. It would have more than tripled my cost.

BTW, I have not experienced any snottiness from Acronis support. Mainly just very slow and generally not too helpful when I dealt with them.




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