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INfix: easy, capable, but expensive WordPad-like PDF editor

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Hmm... now that I see the jpg "full-size" here, maybe it's not the best test candidate... The font looks big in the jpg. rjbull - do you have an image file that you could post for me to try to convert or is this what you were looking for?

Hmm... now that I see the jpg "full-size" here, maybe it's not the best test candidate... The font looks big in the jpg. rjbull - do you have an image file that you could post for me to try to convert or is this what you were looking for?
-Darwin (June 10, 2009, 08:29 AM)
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Well, it certainly looks like small text that's been greatly enlarged, but I agree you can't tell the original size  :)  My problem files are usually patents, which always seem to be scanned in and sometimes have quite small text.  I'll try and dig out an offending page and PM you, thanks  :)

Coming up on BitsDuJour is a PDF editor called e-PDF:
-mwb1100 (May 28, 2009, 02:04 PM)
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- I don't think it can edit the pdf's original text, only add new text.
-Curt (May 28, 2009, 06:35 PM)
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Of course I had to try out e-pdf. I cannot remember why I didn't keep it, but I didn't. What I wanted to tell, now, is, that together with e-pdf came this little info box, basic rules, which might explain certain pdf editing problems, in general:


@Curt: that little box about changing "For" to "Four" was just the problem I hit with PDF TExt Replace Tool!  I can't get the boxes to resize properly using Foxit PDF Editor, either, though in practice there are too many of them to manually deal with anyway.  The author of PDF TRT has already made a new version that saves its search-replace string pairs between sessions, but I haven't tried it yet.

Of course I had to try out e-pdf. I cannot remember why I didn't keep it, but I didn't. What I wanted to tell, now, is, that together with e-pdf came this little info box, basic rules, which might explain certain pdf editing problems, in general:
-Curt (June 11, 2009, 12:23 PM)
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I tried out e-PDF when it was on sale and noticed this exact problem, realizing that it was an artifact of the PDF format. But this problem would make doing anything other than very minor edits quite painful. The few PDFs I tried it on had a text box around every few letters (even words were usually comprised of multiple text boxes).  I don't have a burning need to edit pdfs, so I just dropped it. 

What I wonder now is if other (possible more expensive) PDF editors such as INfix handle things such that this issue isn't noticeable by the user? 


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