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Mobysaurus - nice free thesaurus

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We love free dictionaries and word tools on this forum; here's a nice looking thesaurus, mobysaurus:

and a nice blog about program here:

MOBYSAURUS is a free English thesaurus software that integrates Grady Ward's huge Moby Thesaurus II. It's royalty-free, powerful and most suitable for everyday reference. With this, you will feel it so much easier to choose the right word or words for every occasion or purpose.
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Too bad that isn't an online service. I don't like to install programs when an online service would make more sense (to me).

i feel the opposite way, i prefer apps not have to go online.

another comment: i've tried mobysaurus, it works great and has a nice incremental search.

a big thumbs up from me  :Thmbsup:

i feel the opposite way, i prefer apps not have to go online.
-mouser (December 13, 2005, 11:44 AM)
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Well, my PC is online 24/7, so I prefer these benefits:
- easy to use whereever I am (no need to install)
- easier to recommend (no need to install just to test it)
- no need for me to update the app

seems to me if you want to run it online, you dont need an app just a bookmark.

however, here is the kind of thing an offline app can do: incremental search - as you type it narrows down the words that match - good if you are bad at spelling for example.


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