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DONE: Sort images into folders based on resolution

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Not sure if something like this exists, but was wondering if someone knew about a tool/could whip something up that was able to scan & sort images based on their resolutions (would have to support non-standard sizes as well, like 1794x1250). It wouldn't have to be anything massive (or even have a GUI or options or anything), just something that would go through and make folders for each size, then move the images in.


I'll take this one...

If you take a look on linked thread you'll be done :)

Patched version:

Just drag'n'drop your pictures into it and use similar settings to these on screenshot:

DONE: Sort images into folders based on resolution

After Start you're done :)

Try this out:  Dimensions 2 Folders

DONE: Sort images into folders based on resolution

Currently, it does not recurse subfolders in the source folder nor will it overwrite a file in the eventual destination folder.  These are behaviours that are easily added but I wanted to see if this is what you had in mind first.  As always, better name suggestions are always welcome.  =]

Edit: Added screenshot.

Try this out:  Dimensions-2-Folders

Currently, it does not recurse subfolders in the source folder nor will it overwrite a file in the eventual destination folder.  These are behaviours that are easily added but I wanted to see if this is what you had in mind first.  As always, better name suggestions are always welcome.  =]
-skwire (April 24, 2009, 06:22 PM)
--- End quote ---

That should work just fine - I just have a collection of desktops that I have been downloading (mass googling and drag-and-drop downloading :P) and need to sort 'em.

I'll give that a try and see how it works as well :Thmbsup:

Will post back in a bit when I get back on my Windows machine :)


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