I tried to find similar peace of software, but google didn't show me this site. After long searching, this site came to mind and I added donationcoder to my query. I'm sorting 2000 pics for my picture frame right now. Thanks a lot!

Great to hear. I hope the program worked well for you. 
I came across this software in 2013 and I've kept hold of it for years.
I know it's been a few years since you posted to this thread, but I wondered if it might be possible to tweak the utility so that when you split the files to a new folder, it not only creates folders based on dimension, but retains the original folder structure?
So for example..
My original folder might be Melissa which contains sub-folders Amalfi Coast Summer 2012, Australia Mobile Uploads, Christmas.
If I move the photographs to a new folder, could they be listed as follows?..
D:\Melissa [Parent Folder]
D:\Melissa\Amalfi Coast Summer 2012\1000 x 1000
D:\Melissa\Amalfi Coast Summer 2012\900 x 900
D:\Melissa\Amalfi Coast Summer 2012\800 x 800
Or is this too complicated?