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I took the AutoIt3 engine I had for monitoring when Explorer opens a folder and just converted it to a complete application.  FolderCache.

This implementation is much simpler than others I've done. Leave it run in the system tray.  Hit Shift-PgUp to open the launch window.  The GUI is no great shakes but I made it wide to avoid the need for horizontal scrolling to see all of the folder name. It should be usable in screen res 800x600 or higher.

Right now there are no user configurable options. It's hard-wired for a max of 24 folders. There's no install needed.  To have it start with Windows just make a shortcut in the Startup folder.

(One note, the launch window is created dynamically when opened and destroyed with each close.  While it is open, the folder monitor function is paused.  No folders will be added to the cache while the launch window is open.  For this reason there is no minimize button on the window frame.  If you change your mind about opening a folder in the window, just click the close 'x' on the window frame or click the Open Selected Button with nothing selected, to close it.)

You should probably change the name - when seeing cache, I half expected some file/disk caching stuff rather than "just" a list of used folders :) (oh, how I wish somebody would make a NT version of "vramdir"...)

You should probably change the name - when seeing cache, I half expected some file/disk caching stuff rather than "just" a list of used folders :) (oh, how I wish somebody would make a NT version of "vramdir"...)
-f0dder (April 23, 2009, 06:15 PM)
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When I see Disk Cache I expect a disk cache. When I see folder cache, I expect a folder cache.  Sorry to disappoint. :)  'sides, then I'd have to do something more difficult with the icon.  Typing a dollar sign is easy.

btw AutoIt3 form designer thing is a bit off kilter.  I changed the numbers a bit so it's at least closer to horizontal center.

thanks for sharing  :up:

thanks for sharing  :up:
-mouser (April 23, 2009, 07:45 PM)
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You're welcome. :)

Updated to v. 1.1  On exit it writes the folder list to FolderCache.txt in the home folder.  On startup, if that txt file exists it reads the folder names in. So it should start empty only the first time or if you delete FolderCache.txt.


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