ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > FARR Plugins and Aliases

Looking for current vesion of Console (FARR2 Plugin): get version failed

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DCUpdater reports: get version failed for FARR2 Plugin: Console.

Here is a clip from the DCUpdater log:

--- ---ERROR: File Not Found [HTTP status code error 404]:
Console (FARR2 Plugin): Completed download of C:\DOCUME~1\1-Kevin\LOCALS~1\Temp\1133.tmp (0k).
Console (FARR2 Plugin): get version failed
The ".zip" file
is also not available.

FARR (aplugins) reports the Console plugin is:
Version: 1.01.06 Release Date: 6.8.2008

where have these files been moved to ?



the console plugin is actually no longer needed... FARR now has built in support for running and capturing and redirecting output of commandline tools.

you can use the appcap command and the %lastappcap% variable to run commands and work with their output.

for example in an alias you could have:

appcap c:\windows\system32\ping.exe;;;showmemo %lastappcap%

i actually just noticed that there is a problem with using the alias as i've listed it above, namely that FARR does the replacement prematurely, so that you are always seeing the result of the PREVIOUS value of %lastappcap%  :down:

i have a new version built that solved the problem (i just hope it doesn't break other stuff!), which i will upload tonight.

the console plugin is actually no longer needed... FARR now has built in support for running and capturing and redirecting output of commandline tools.

you can use the appcap command and the %lastappcap% variable to run commands and work with their output.

for example in an alias you could have:

appcap c:\windows\system32\ping.exe;;;showmemo %lastappcap%
-mouser (April 21, 2009, 03:03 PM)
--- End quote ---

First I removed the Console plugin and restarted FARR.

Then I tried entering the command into FARR, as you typed it:
appcap c:\windows\system32\ping.exe;;;showmemo %lastappcap%

But, when I type appcap ....

FARR just continues to search for matches to what I have typed.

When I have completed typing in the line, and I press Enter, nothing happens.

Do I need to configure anything or setup an alias or anything else for appcap to work ?

I am running FARR V 2.55.01 4/19/2009 on WinXP

sorry i wasnt clear, the idea is to use this inside an alias.
if you give me another day i'll post a new version of FARR and give you a sample alias to show how it's used.


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