Software > DesktopCoral
I've been trying everything I could but I can't seem to get my widget, "Informer", to stay on top of the area I block out using DesktopCoral. It works if I move it to that position while Coral is already running but when I restart my computer or log out/in again it is just pushed out of the way.
There anything I can do to make it stay put, or perhaps future releases supporting it? Link to informer widget.
Have you tried checking the option in Desktop Coral marked: Preserve Desktop Icon Locations (experimental)?
It was designed for similar purpose, but it probably won't work, so..
I think your best bet might be to get yourself a startup manager tool that let's you set the ORDER of startup programs and put desktop coral before your widget tool.
Utilities that let you change startup order:
I'll give some thought to adding an option in Desktop Coral to protect position of all windows.. it could be done.
Yes, I did try that but it doesn't work for widgets.
Thanks though for the links, I was looking for a program to do exactly that. I'm sure it will fix my problem for now.
Alright, so I messed around with Startup Delay a little bit and it works fine but it still doesn't really fix my issue because when I shut down DesktopCoral actually shuts down before my widgets and what this does is kick my widget out of the way before it closes. So even though Startup Delay works fine when starting up, before I shut down it removes my widget and so it's just an endless loop of placing and replacing my widget in it's place.
• The second link you posted me is coming up in error.
That second link is an error because it is locked out for donators of DC only, but it was a link to a discount for Chameleon Startup Manager.
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