Software > UrlSnooper
URL Snooper is a program written to help users locate the urls of audio and video files so that they can be recorded.
Many links to streaming audio and video that you come across on the web are hidden behind javascript or activex scripts. Because of this, it is sometimes very difficult to figure out the actual urls that correspond to the streams being played. URL Snooper provides easy solution to finding the URLs for all streams by by watching network traffic and identifying potential urls, especially streaming media urls.
Web page:
* Program Web Page and Download:
2.41.01 - Mar 24, 2017
* [MajorFeature] First High-dpi compatible version beta.
* [Bugfix] Minor UI bugfixes.
* [Improvement] Better mouseover hints for General Options.
* [MinorFeature] New option to not clean/truncate displayed urls.
2.39.01 - Nov 6, 2015
* [BugFix] Custom application links could sometimes drop surrounding quotes (thanks Quaraxkad).
2.38.01 - Apr 28, 2015
* [Feature] New option to start sniffing immediately when program is started, even in advanced mode.
* [BugFix/Feature] New option to better handle the "Also Find" text. In previous versions a url would be excluded if it did not match url filter type (multimedia vs all), even if it contained an Also Find keyword. You now have an option (enabled by default) to always include results that match the Also Find keyword, even if it does not match the url filter type. This is most useful when restricting search for multimedia urls but also anything containing the keyword. Tip: Use ; character to separate multiple keywords.
v2.37.01 - Dec 31, 2014
* [Feature] Added new option to capture a few packets subsequent to any triggered capture, to help see what information came after the triggered capture.
* [Feature] Larger block of data is saved around found urls.
* [MinorFeature] Ctrl+A to select all urls in view.
* [MinorFeature] Added quick forum link to help menu.
* [MinorChange] Removed "minimize-to-tray" captionbar button.
* [BugFix] Mixed rare mystery exception crash on sniffing.
* [BugFix] Removed rare error report of "too small packetmem"
* [BugFix] File search dialog was malformed; program hung if you didn't specify files to search for.
2.36.01 - Sep 17, 2014
* [Feature] New option to filter results so that they MUST contain certain keywords.
* [MinorFeature] Ctrl+C in result list now copies selected url(s) to clipboard.
2.35.01 - July 14, 2014
* [MinorFeature] New export option to export all columns of result table
* [MinorFeature] You can now control whether new packets are automatically shown live in packet viewer; selecting a result in grid automatically turns off live packet display so that you can view the selected packet without pausing.
2.34.01 - May 19, 2014
* [BugFix] Some adapters were shown with same name in adapter list -- adapters are now shown with more descriptive names.
* [BugFix] UrlSnooper was failing to sniff from some adapters (when those adapters were shown with identical generic names in list).
2.33.01 - Nov 28, 2013
* [MinorChange] Better formatting for timestamp column.
* [Feature] When scanning files (instead of network traffic), the filename is now shown in SourceIP column.
* [WinPcap] Now distributed with WinPcap v.4.13
* [Feature] Option to check for updates at startup.
NOTE: You can download French+German+Chinese+Hungarian translations files from the web page (and translator kit is on program page for others who want to add translations).
2.32.01 - Feb 4, 2013
* [Feature] RTMP multimedia links were not shown when multimedia protocol filter was enabled.
* [MinorChange] Improved text labels for search filters.
* [MinorChange] Changed auto network adapter test url and search string
* [BugFix] An error about "Scrollbar property out of range" could be generated when resizing raw packet view panel.
* [BugFix] Parentheses in urls were truncating urls at that point.
* [Feature] View Live Packets option is now on main window and easily toggles live packet panel (size is remembered)
* [Feature] Added datetime column to url grid.
* [Documentation] Updated documentation with some links to a few popular downloader tools.
* [Feature] Portable zip now uses ConfigDir_Default.ini which is overridden by the presence of a ConfigDir.ini file, so users unpacking the contents won't overwrite any custom ConfigDir.ini they may have.
* [Feature] Now using a dual package (installer and portable zip), with portable zip preconfigured for portable use; installer and executable are now signed.
2.30.01 - Nov 4, 2011
* [BugFix] Finally fixed "Index out of Range" error that some people were getting.
* [Minor Feature] Improved built-in update check option.
Version 2.29.01 - Feb 15, 2011
* [MinorFeature] Updated with latest version of WinPCap (4.1.2)
Version 2.28.01 - May 4, 2010
* [MinorFeature] You can now use \| in your favorites files to specify saved search parameters with | in them.
Version 2.27.01 - April 24, 2010
* [MinorFeature] You can now save protocol/keywords/alsotext in your favorites menu items.
* [MinorFeature] Added menu command to reload favorites data.
* [MinorFeature] Added rtmp and related protocols to known multimedia protocols.
Version 2.26.01 - December 13, 2009
* [BugFix] Improved detection of network adapters -- was failing to list all available adapters on some people's computers. Thanks to ixxo and everyone else on dc forum who reported and helped test (see here for the thread).
Version 2.25.01 - October 29, 2009
* Updated with latest version of WinPCap (4.1.1) - Now supports Windows 7
* [BugFix] The error about index out of range when network adapters have changed on restart should be fixed.
* [BugFix] Settings file was still being saved in application directory even on Win Vista/7; new version respects configdir.ini and portable settings, as well as storing working files in user documents directory by default on Win Vista/7.
Version 2.23.01 - March 14, 2009
* Updated with latest version of WinPCap (4.1beta5).
* Improved wording of automatic network adapter detection failure message.
* Improved packet reconstruction should reduce chance of packets being split in the middle.
* [BugFix] Urls incorrectly shown as from fixed.
* Added SourceIP column.
New version posted with latest WinPCap and updates for VISTA and IE7 compatibility.
Please clarify a couple of things:
(1) Is this a beta (as it says on the homepage, but not here), or a stable release?
(2) Is there any benefit for non-Vista users in installing this over 2.14.02?
Many thanks.
If urlsnooper is working fine for you already with version 2.14.02 then there is no real reason to update.
Technically this is a beta; depending on how confident I am about a beta release i will sometimes put on the web page a link to the Latest (beta) and Previous (stable) versions, OR i might but a link to Latest Stable and More Recent Beta. Sorry for any confusion - in almost all cases i would recommend people use the latest beta versions. For non-mission-critical software there isn't much reason not to use the betas.
Program Web Page and Download:
Version 2.18.01 - Feb. 4th, 2007
* Updated installer to use WinPcap 4.0 final on WinXp/Nt/Vista
* Added code so installer uses WinPcap 4beta2 on Win9x/Me (last version to support these versions)-mouser (December 10, 2005, 04:36 PM)
--- End quote ---
Version 2.18.01 still doesn't work under Windows 98SE! It runs fine the FIRST time you run it after installing, but it will NOT work a second time. All I get is a standard Windows error message saying it's performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.
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