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When was your last BSOD? I'm betting it was a long time ago

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The first BSOD I have had on XP in almost 3 years occurred yesterday while applying SP3 to an XP machine running an AMD processor. I was aware of the fix, but had forgotten about it since all of MY MACHINES are intel based. Prior to that, I have had no BSOD's on either XP or Vista (during my two years with vista). Bravo Microsoft!

I've actually had two incidents not to long ago. One was when I tried to install sandboxie on xp x64. Sandboxie and microsofts stupid "patchguard" don't play nice together.

(The second one isn't actually a BSOD, but I felt like pointing it out anyways.)
The second one was when I was trying to install ubuntu on my computer. Ubuntu doesn't like my computer's hardware (or atleast the graphics card, the stupid xserver kept crashing)

PatchGuard isn't stupid, but it's a shame that Microsoft doesn't allow some (controlled!) hooks for it. Your BSOD is because of sandboxie, and thus not something to blame Windows for :)

well I'm not blaming windows exactly. I just called patchguard stupid because it won't let me install sandboxie.

Steven Avery:
Hi Folks,

I actually realized, I have a classic BSOD on a system that was sitting for a year and now I am refiring up.  It is sporadic, can happen after some hours of usage.

driver_irql_not_less_or_equal is the most common message and
usbehci.sys was the driver when it just happenned
There may be some variation, but I think that is the usual message.

Turns out this is rather common and I remember when I searched for this I found about 5-10 totally different discussions and ideas, with little solid.  This is on a PowerSpec that had been well-behaved for a couple years before this happened.  I did some searching this AM and all sorts of ideas came up.

So I may do the Windows Update route to SP3, delete/rename the driver and replace (after searching for another copy),  take out the USB backup when not in use, check the driver updates,  add memory if I have it handy (which I think I planned anyway), and do a few other things .. and then format and reinstall XP if nothing works (I may I have a disk, and PowerSpec gives reasonable overview discussion support even if warranty is finito in my experience).  It is a nice little system otherwise. 

Hmm.. if I do a OS (XP) reinstall (which I have done on various systems maybe twice) -- it would be nice to have the procedures in order ahead of time.  Things like saving the Sysinfo and serial#, having a Bart-PE type of disk, give Microsoft a call about verification issues and read the articles about saving that, driver backups, checking ahead for the XP disk (if not, use another ?).  Of course this varies a lot between systems (how they vary with their CDs and their hidden partitions and this and that).  Wonder if we have a thread on that stuff.



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