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Probably after seeing it mentioned somewhere in this site (CORRECTION: I saw it first in the Neat Net Tricks newsletter), I downloaded CintaNotes and started to use it. I soon put it in my Quick Launch bar, and I'm finding it quite useful. I've tried a bunch of programs for quick and dirty note-taking, including Zotero,,, KeyNote, KeyNote-NF, CollectyCut, and AskSam. (The last two are commercial programs; the others are freeware.) I still use AskSam, but mostly for more extensive databases, not for quick note-taking. I also still use KeyNote-NF, but mostly for notes about one specific project rather than for notes in general. I kept waiting for CollectyCut to come out with a promised new version that would add needed features lacking in Version 2, but it hasn't happened. I'm not sure why I never really took to Zotero or, but I simply found that I preferred CintaNotes. I'm not passionate about it, as I am about some programs, but I do like it better than the others for quick notes.
Jarius Elliott:
Perhaps it's just my unsophisticated needs but I love this program. It is fast, reliable, the capture function is keyboard oriented which is right up my alley and the search function is lightning fast! I have been moving more and more to the simple side of the software landscape which includes more text-based offerings and Cintas does everything I need it to do. The only drawback is that there is only one file. No "Save As" functionality as of yet and I can see a future need for separate files if I do extensive research on various subjects. Oh and I forgot to mention I run it from my USB so I can use it in my workplace. Ongoing development appears to be good and the developers are considering a "Premium" version which I expect will include RTF functionality. Give it a try - no bells or whistles but as a basic information container it is an excellent alternative.
I like it as well, especially the way one can add notes 'silently'
Hi guys, I'm Alex, the author of CintaNotes. Thanks for giving my program a try, and I'm extremely glad that so many of you have found it useful.
CintaNotes is actively developed, and in case you want to discuss it in detail, or suggest a feature, I welcome you to the official forum on
Actually I'm writing here mostly because of the disturbing post of 40hz. I haven't received any reports about any lock-ups up to this point.
Could you please tell how exactly does the program "lock up"? I care a lot for the quality of the program and bugs such as this, in case they are confirmed, are treated with top priority. Thanks a lot!
welcome to the site Alex, glad to meet you. :up:
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