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BBCeditor 1.1.35

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Check your BIOS boot settings. "PXE" means the laptop thinks it is supposed to boot from LAN (thus the mention of "Cable").-David.P (July 07, 2012, 03:48 PM)
--- End quote ---
I've already checked all three available booting options from Temporary Boot Menu, checked few possibilities for boot order from BIOS, re-inserted SSD couple of times (Lenovo support forum answer). I still need to check this drive from some LiveCD.
Strange thing is: Temporary Boot Menu shows drive name but when I try to boot from it screen goes black and returns to menu. I would say something happened with MBR but dunno if SSD has it.

But all of this this is for other topic or… company tech support. It is corporate device and I shouldn't temper with it after all ;)

1.0.30 has none of mentioned two features.

good luck with the laptop fenix!

FWIW - for whenever you do get back to it:
it ( works here no problem Win 7 64 bit - I just put it in my portable folder (on the C partition).

Just a thought: maybe user/admin rights have something to do with BBC error?

Last words about laptop:
Ubuntu Live saw only 8MB of unallocated space (GParted Live - the same).

Exactly same issue:

Just a thought: maybe user/admin rights have something to do with BBC error?-fenixproductions (July 07, 2012, 04:46 PM)
--- End quote ---

for the record:
my settings are Admin account with UAC at highest level.

I have a problem regarding the addition of a custom bbcode.
In my forum we use a custom bbcode like [docis][/docis] in between these is a unique documentId which is used to embed ISSUU streaming documents.
So for instance the user input is  [docis]documentId=120712003955-e4ff9f62ad7b4c62a48dd45527080c3e[/docis] the code parser will convert it into following HTML:

--- Code: HTML ---<center><object style="width:420px;height:272px" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"><param "="" value=";backgroundColor=%23222222&amp;documentId=120712003955-e4ff9f62ad7b4c62a48dd45527080c3e" name="movie"><param value="true" name="allowfullscreen"><param value="false" name="menu"><param value="transparent" name="wmode"><embed flashvars="mode=mini&amp;backgroundColor=%23222222&amp;documentId=120712003955-e4ff9f62ad7b4c62a48dd45527080c3e" style="width:420px;height:272px" wmode="transparent" menu="false" allowfullscreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=""></object></center>
So you see the documentId is inserted twice so how can I achieve this using custom button option in BBCeditor


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