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BBCeditor 1.1.35
Hi, I'm french user of BBCeditor. It's a very great tool 8)
Is it possible to use French Dic ? How can i do ?
Here you are.
I will also add instructions how to build one to first post, as soon as I find more free time.
Hi forum & Fenix,
for some reason I haven't used BBCEditor for a while and now wanted to switch to it for good in order to write (actually dictate) all my forum posts.
Writing and dictating works great, as does formatting and WYSIWYG preview.
However, the buttons for image and link insertion don't seem to work the way I expected...
Usually, in order to create a link in a post, I would copy the link's URL into the clipboard, then type the link's name or description into the posting's text, select that link name/description, hit the "Link" button and be presented with a dialog input box where I can insert the link's URL -- in other words, exactly the way it goes when inserting a link e.g with this forum's (DC) post editor:
However, BBCeditor doesn't seem to do that. It only enters [ url][/url ] tags around the selection when I press the Link button. Thus, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to create named links in BBCeditor?
Additionally, the "Image" Button doesn't seem to work at all? Usually, in order to enter an image in a forum's post, I'd expect to be able to copy the image's URL into the clipboard, then press the "Image" button in the editor, then I'd be presented with a dialog input box where I can insert the image's URL and hit Enter.
Alternatively, I'd simply paste the image URL directly into the text, select it, hit the "Image" button and would expect the (pasted) image URL to get surrounded by [ img] tags.
This however doesn't seem to be the case in BBCeditor.
I don't know, maybe I am missing out on something?
-- Therefore, thanks heaps already for any clue regarding easier insertion of images and (named) links into BBCode forum posts using BBCeditor,
Cheers David.P
If you have some text selected and hit URL button it will surround the text with [url] tags BUT it behaves differently when there is no selection:
1. do not select any text and leave the caret in proper place,
2. hit URL button then,
3. Define URL window will appear, where you can define your link's description.
I will try to find a time to take a look on images issue.
P.S. Sometimes I think that I should take a look on BBC profiles because there are few different "standards" for tagging... but I am still too lazy to do so ;)
1. do not select any text and leave the caret in proper place,
2. hit URL button then,
3. Define URL window will appear, where you can define your link's description.-fenixproductions (May 06, 2011, 11:15 AM)
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I see! This works as expected. Thanks!
I will try to find a time to take a look on images issue.
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Yes please... I just can't seem to find out how image insertion works at present... :-(
Regards David
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