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BBCeditor 1.1.35

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1.0.28 is out!

I've added "Inline Mode" which puts cursor within inserted tags. It can be set on "General" tab in Settings. If it's not working for some tags, please, write about it. I might miss a few.

I have also fixed few other bugs (i.e. empty lists were showing asterisks with alternative engine but not with standard one) and cleaned-up code a little bit (FxCop was killing me ;).

1.0.29 is out with quick fix for list tag problem.

Thanks to cranioscopical for finding it.

Thanks, fenix'! That was quick.

Also, the inline mode is a good addition to BBCed  :up:

I felt compelled to create an account here just to thank you for creating this useful piece of software -- I've been looking extensively for something like it. Used in conjunction with the Firefox addon It's All Text makes it very very handy indeed.  :D

[...] to thank you for creating this useful piece of software [...]-shirty (February 27, 2010, 11:49 PM)
--- End quote ---

+1 :)


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