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BBCeditor 1.1.35

<< < (7/51) > >>

1.0.9 is out!

Application's memory should be better now (window size can be remembered).

I have also implemented drag'n'drop support.

1.0.10 is out!

I've fixed few problems with opened tags and corrected parsing of url= tag.

1.0.10 is out!

I've fixed few problems with opened tags and corrected parsing of url= tag.
-fenixproductions (April 12, 2009, 10:39 AM)
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Thanks for your efforts!

This version wants always to open lower doen the screen than where it was closed.
Have you changed the positioning params at all? Reversed top/bottom pos?

This version wants always to open lower doen the screen than where it was closed.
Have you changed the positioning params at all? Reversed top/bottom pos?-cranioscopical (April 12, 2009, 12:52 PM)
--- End quote ---
Crap... I forgot to do one thing. Wait for an update ;)

1.0.11 is out with few fixes:

- window position was not saved at all (only size);
- normal window state not saved if it was maximized previously.


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